Find out what's new with Road Closed
December 24, 2000 - The new show will air January 5th, 2001. Because of a lot of events airing on WOW we have to wait until then. During the winter break from school we are working hard to make a lot of new skits. We hope that we can get another show out a week or two after that one. We are also in the middle of trying to merchandise for all of you fans out there. Also keep in mind that Road Closed is planning a film festival probably during Febuary, so keep your eyes open.
November 17, 2000 - The best of Road Closed show aired today. I think it has meet everyone's expectations and is a good representative of our first season. We will have a brand new show out very shortly.
November 5, 2000 - Road Closed celebrated it's anniversary of the first airing of the show at the nitty gritty. Madison Official Birthday Bar.
October 30, 2000 - The Big announcement, Road Closed has 2 brand new cast members. We have added the comical talents of Justin Halls and Jamie Maples. We are all glad that they have joined the cast. It won't be long before you start to see them on the show, so keep your eyes open.
October 20, 2000 - I know it has been forever since Road Closed last aired. Well that is mainly do to our awesome football team this year. They have made the playoffs and are done with their Friday night games, so get ready for the new season. It is projected that the first episode will air on November 3. This is just a projection, as soon as it is official it will be posted in showtimes. Hopefully our next episode will air the week after that.
September 16,2000 - We taped the monologue for the best of show. I can give out one little hint. "Gene Wilder" But that's all that I can give out at this time. Until it is released on the air all skits that are on there well remain a secret.
August 2000 - The group has started to prepare for the second season on WOW ch.12. We made goals and expectations to bring the audience the best show on television. We are starting to decide what is considered our best of the first season. We will start the second season with the best of show and then the second episode will be new material. We are going to make this season an unforgettable one.
May 2000
- The first season came to a close with the road trip to Minneapolis.
We know that their were some technical difficulties on the sniper skit,
but we are preparing to fix it and air it on a later episode.