Road Closed

Road Closed productions has made many projects out there.  Here is a list of things that have been made by Road Closed Productions.  All of these films were directed by Eric Brown

It's A New York Thing
This is a short 3 min film taking shots of New York City and putting it to the music of the Bert Fershners.  The video contrasts are good side and a bad side to visiting the big apple.  The video takes an unexpecting turn at the end that surprises everybody at the end.  The Bert Fershners who sang the song are a comedy troupe in New York City who are originally from UW - Madison.  learn more about them at their official web page or their unofficial web page.

1999 Oregon Football Highlight Film
This was a video of the 1999 oregon football team.  It showed their Highlights and the team as a whole.  It had all sorts of angles some from the press box and some off the sidelines.  It was shown at the awards banquet.

1940's Movies
This was done as a project for contemporary history class.  It shows clips to classic films from the 1940's.  It is played to the Great Beyond by REM.  To let people know, it received an A on the project.

The Odelays
A historical documentary about an old civilization that use to live around this area of Wisconsin and Minnesota.  The movie included Eric Brown, Joe Cuta, and Matt Howards pre-Road Closed.  The documentary included some very famous stars like Jesse Ventura and Quentin Tarantino.  This was made for the Western civilization class offered at the Oregon High School.

From The Top of the World
This was footage put together that was from the top of the World Trade Center on a beautiful day.  It is then put together with music from Enya.  This video won 2nd place at Wisconsin Educational Media Association.

The Other Half
This was Eric's first feature film.  It is a film noir parody with a car chase, fighting, and excitement.  It was made for the survey of film class that is offered at the Oregon High School.  This is the film that Eric feels most proud of.  A lot of time was spent on it, and he was really impressed with the finished product.  Rumor has it Eric actually watches it fairly often just because he actually thinks it a really good movie, or a least a little more exciting than something you could rent on video.

2000 Oregon Football Highlight Film
This was the highlight film of 2000 football team.  Eric was very satisfied with the film.  He felt that it really capture a spirit of the season for the Oregon Panthers.  This film had neat shots from the sidelines and press box.  It even had an exclusive interview with the members of Cheers.  The football team really enjoyed the film and the film will always be a reminder of the freat season they had.

Coming soon to Road Closed Productions

Class of 2001 Video Yearbook

A documentary with interviews with Senior Citizens

A documentary of Eric's heritage

 A Thriller horror flick

A look at the eating habits of a High Schooler

If you are interested in some how seeing them email us.
We'll figure something out!!!